High Impact Learning (HILL) Academy

Current learning & development of learners, either in corporate academies, organisations, or in schools, suffers from more major problems such as too high dropout, too low impact and poor transfer to real life or workspace. The High Impact Learning (HILL) Academy-model provides a clear direction for designing learning trajectories that do create high impact.

A few things we’re great at

For detailed information mail to info@highimpactlearningthatlasts.com

HIll introduction sessions
Worklabs on each building block
Change management Guidance
HILL Academy Certifications
L&D trajectories for teams
HIll Academy coaching for teams
Training and conference contributions
Online Support
Network Activities
Knowledge Sharing Cafés

High Impact Learning (HILL) Academy

Expert bootcamps

The bootcampformula means working in a small group (16 p.) via strong interaction working toward elaborations for practice. Experts are continuously available to share their experience and to analyse and solve your problems and questions.

Feedback met impact is dialoog

Kern van VIP-Coaching en Assessment as Learning

Bouwstenen voor High Impact Learning

Het leren van de toekomst in onderwijs en organisaties.

Creating impact through Future Learning

The High Impact Learning that Lasts (HILL) Model, 1e Edition.

Bouwstenen voor High Impact Learning

Nieuwe uitgave: Nu inclusief HILL meetinstrumenten – een volledig hoofdstuk Tips & Tricks voor implementatie van High Impact Learning; sterke verdieping en achtergronden van Assessment as Learning.

The HILL Model –
Cross Knowledge

Available in different languages.

Dialogic feedback for High Impact Learning

Key to PCP-Coaching and Assessment-as-Learning


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