Four top scientists from the ‘Learning Sciences’ are touring a large number of European cities. Worklabs will be given to 500 to 1,000 participants who want to learn more about the future of learning in the age of Artificial Intelligence and IT.

Invited speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. S. Arikan, expert in Web-based learning, language learning and High Impact Learning.
  • Prof. Dr. M. Segers, expert Assessment and Assessment-as-Learning techniques.
  • Prof. M. Van Dinther, expert in learning strategies and self-efficacy.
  • Prof. Dr. F. Dochy, expert Hybrid learning and High Impact Learning.

Start: January 2024 in Brussels and Paris. February 2024 in Amsterdam, Helsinki and Stockholm. March 2024 in Berlin, Talin and Oslo.

For reception and organization in other European cities, contact: